Source code for probables.blooms.countingbloom

""" CountingBloomFilter, python implementation
    License: MIT
    Author: Tyler Barrus (
from array import array
from pathlib import Path
from struct import Struct
from typing import ByteString, Union

from probables.blooms.bloom import BloomFilter
from probables.constants import UINT32_T_MAX, UINT64_T_MAX
from probables.exceptions import InitializationError
from probables.hashes import HashFuncT, HashResultsT, KeyT
from probables.utilities import is_hex_string, is_valid_file, resolve_path

MISMATCH_MSG = "The parameter second must be of type CountingBloomFilter"

def _verify_not_type_mismatch(second: "CountingBloomFilter") -> bool:
    """verify that there is not a type mismatch"""
    return isinstance(second, (CountingBloomFilter))

[docs] class CountingBloomFilter(BloomFilter): """Simple Counting Bloom Filter implementation for use in python; It can read and write the same format as the c version ( Args: est_elements (int): The number of estimated elements to be added false_positive_rate (float): The desired false positive rate filepath (str): Path to file to load hex_string (str): Hex based representation to be loaded hash_function (function): Hashing strategy function to use `hf(key, number)` Returns: CountingBloomFilter: A Counting Bloom Filter object Note: Initialization order of operations: 1) From file 2) From Hex String 3) From params""" __slots__ = ("_filepath",) def __init__( self, est_elements: Union[int, None] = None, false_positive_rate: Union[float, None] = None, filepath: Union[str, Path, None] = None, hex_string: Union[str, None] = None, hash_function: Union[HashFuncT, None] = None, ) -> None: """setup the basic values needed""" self._filepath = None super().__init__(est_elements, false_positive_rate, filepath, hex_string, hash_function) def _load_init(self, filepath, hash_function, hex_string, est_elements, false_positive_rate): """Handle setting params and loading everything as needed""" self._bits_per_elm = 1.0 self._type = "counting" self._typecode = "I" if is_valid_file(filepath): self._filepath = resolve_path(filepath) self._load(self._filepath, hash_function) elif is_hex_string(hex_string): self._load_hex(hex_string, hash_function) else: if est_elements is None or false_positive_rate is None: raise InitializationError("Insufecient parameters to set up the Counting Bloom Filter") # calc values fpr, n_hashes, n_bits = self._get_optimized_params(est_elements, false_positive_rate) self._set_values(est_elements, fpr, n_hashes, n_bits, hash_function) self._bloom_length = n_bits self._bloom = array(self._typecode, [0]) * self._bloom_length _IMPT_STRUCT = Struct("I")
[docs] @classmethod def frombytes(cls, b: ByteString, hash_function: Union[HashFuncT, None] = None) -> "CountingBloomFilter": """ Args: b (ByteString): the bytes to load as a Counting Bloom Filter hash_function (function): Hashing strategy function to use `hf(key, number)` Returns: CountingBloomFilter: A Counting Bloom Filter object """ offset = cls._FOOTER_STRUCT.size est_els, els_added, fpr, n_hashes, n_bits = cls._parse_footer(cls._FOOTER_STRUCT, bytes(b[-1 * offset :])) blm = CountingBloomFilter(est_elements=est_els, false_positive_rate=fpr, hash_function=hash_function) blm._set_values(est_els, fpr, n_hashes, n_bits, hash_function) blm._els_added = els_added blm._parse_bloom_array(b, cls._IMPT_STRUCT.size * blm.bloom_length) return blm
def __str__(self) -> str: """string representation of the counting bloom filter""" on_disk = "no" if self.is_on_disk is False else "yes" cnt = sum(x for x in self._bloom if x > 0) total = sum(self._bloom) largest = max(self._bloom) largest_idx = (self._bloom).index(largest) fullness = cnt / self.number_bits els_added = total // self.number_hashes return ( "CountingBloom:\n" f"\tbits: {self.number_bits}\n" f"\testimated elements: {self.estimated_elements}\n" f"\tnumber hashes: {self.number_hashes}\n" f"\tmax false positive rate: {self.false_positive_rate:.6f}\n" f"\telements added: {self.elements_added}\n" f"\tcurrent false positive rate: {self.current_false_positive_rate():.6f}\n" f"\tis on disk: {on_disk}\n" f"\tindex fullness: {fullness:.6}\n" f"\tmax index usage: {largest}\n" f"\tmax index id: {largest_idx}\n" f"\tcalculated elements: {els_added}\n" )
[docs] def add(self, key: KeyT, num_els: int = 1) -> int: # type: ignore """Add the key to the Counting Bloom Filter Args: key (str): The element to be inserted num_els (int): Number of times to insert the element Returns: int: Maximum number of insertions""" return self.add_alt(self.hashes(key), num_els)
[docs] def add_alt(self, hashes: HashResultsT, num_els: int = 1) -> int: # type: ignore """Add the element represented by hashes into the Counting Bloom Filter Args: hashes (list): A list of integers representing the key to insert num_els (int): Number of times to insert the element Returns: int: Maximum number of insertions""" # NOTE: this will increment indices each time it is viewed. Not sure if that is "correct" # if not then we will need to update this and the C version indices = [hashes[i] % self._bloom_length for i in range(self._number_hashes)] vals = [self._bloom[k] + num_els for k in indices] for i, v in enumerate(vals): k = indices[i] if v > UINT32_T_MAX: self._bloom[k] = UINT32_T_MAX vals[i] = UINT32_T_MAX else: self._bloom[k] += num_els # This keeps the original methodology self.elements_added = min(self.elements_added + num_els, UINT64_T_MAX) return min(vals)
[docs] def check(self, key: KeyT) -> int: # type: ignore """Check if the key is likely in the Counting Bloom Filter Args: key (str): The element to be checked Returns: int: Maximum number of insertions""" return self.check_alt(self.hashes(key))
[docs] def check_alt(self, hashes: HashResultsT) -> int: # type: ignore """Check if the element represented by hashes is in the Counting Bloom Filter Args: hashes (list): A list of integers representing the key to check Returns: int: Maximum number of insertions""" return min(self._bloom[x % self.number_bits] for x in hashes)
[docs] def remove(self, key: KeyT, num_els: int = 1) -> int: """Remove the element from the counting bloom Args: key (str): The element to be removed num_els (int): Number of times to remove the element Returns: int: Maximum number of insertions after the removal""" return self.remove_alt(self.hashes(key), num_els)
[docs] def remove_alt(self, hashes: HashResultsT, num_els: int = 1) -> int: """Remvoe the element represented by hashes from the Counting Bloom Filter Args: hashes (list): A list of integers representing the key to remove num_els (int): Number of times to remove the element Returns: int: Maximum number of insertions after the removal""" indices = [hashes[i] % self._bloom_length for i in range(self._number_hashes)] vals = [self._bloom[k] for k in indices] min_val = min(vals) if min_val == UINT32_T_MAX: # cannot remove if we have hit the max return UINT32_T_MAX if min_val == 0: return 0 to_remove = num_els if min_val > num_els else min_val for k in indices: if self._bloom[k] < UINT32_T_MAX: # only remove if less than UINT32_T_MAX self._bloom[k] -= to_remove self.elements_added -= to_remove return min_val - to_remove
[docs] def intersection(self, second: "CountingBloomFilter") -> Union["CountingBloomFilter", None]: # type: ignore """Take the intersection of two Counting Bloom Filters Args: second (CountingBloomFilter): The Bloom Filter with which to take the intersection Returns: CountingBloomFilter: The new Counting Bloom Filter containing the union Raises: TypeError: When second is not a :class:`CountingBloomFilter` Note: The elements_added property will be set to the estimated number of unique elements \ added as found in estimate_elements() Note: If `second` is not of the same size (false_positive_rate and est_elements) then \ this will return `None`""" if not _verify_not_type_mismatch(second): raise TypeError(MISMATCH_MSG) if self._verify_bloom_similarity(second) is False: return None res = CountingBloomFilter( est_elements=self.estimated_elements, false_positive_rate=self.false_positive_rate, hash_function=self.hash_function, ) for i in range(self.bloom_length): if self._bloom[i] > 0 and second._bloom[i] > 0: tmp = self._bloom[i] + second._bloom[i] res.bloom[i] = tmp res.elements_added = res.estimate_elements() return res
[docs] def jaccard_index(self, second: "CountingBloomFilter") -> Union[float, None]: # type:ignore """Take the Jaccard Index of two Counting Bloom Filters Args: second (CountingBloomFilter): The Bloom Filter with which to take the jaccard index Returns: float: A numeric value between 0 and 1 where 1 is identical and 0 means completely different Raises: TypeError: When second is not a :class:`CountingBloomFilter` Note: The Jaccard Index is based on the unique set of elements added and not the number of each element added Note: If `second` is not of the same size (false_positive_rate and est_elements) then this will return `None`""" if not _verify_not_type_mismatch(second): raise TypeError(MISMATCH_MSG) if self._verify_bloom_similarity(second) is False: return None count_union = 0 count_inter = 0 for i in range(self.bloom_length): if self._bloom[i] > 0 or second._bloom[i] > 0: count_union += 1 if self._bloom[i] > 0 and second._bloom[i] > 0: count_inter += 1 if count_union == 0: return 1.0 return count_inter / count_union
[docs] def union(self, second: "CountingBloomFilter") -> Union["CountingBloomFilter", None]: # type:ignore """Return a new Countiong Bloom Filter that contains the union of the two Args: second (CountingBloomFilter): The Counting Bloom Filter with which to calculate the union Returns: CountingBloomFilter: The new Counting Bloom Filter containing the union Raises: TypeError: When second is not a :class:`CountingBloomFilter` Note: The elements_added property will be set to the estimated number of unique elements added as \ found in estimate_elements() Note: If `second` is not of the same size (false_positive_rate and est_elements) then this will return `None`""" if not _verify_not_type_mismatch(second): raise TypeError(MISMATCH_MSG) if self._verify_bloom_similarity(second) is False: return None res = CountingBloomFilter( est_elements=self.estimated_elements, false_positive_rate=self.false_positive_rate, hash_function=self.hash_function, ) for i in range(self.bloom_length): tmp = self._bloom[i] + second._bloom[i] res._bloom[i] = tmp res.elements_added = res.estimate_elements() return res
def _cnt_number_bits_set(self) -> int: """calculate the total number of set bits in the bloom""" return sum(1 for x in self._bloom if x > 0)