Source code for probables.cuckoo.cuckoo

""" Cuckoo Filter, python implementation
    License: MIT
    Author: Tyler Barrus (

import math
import random
from array import array
from io import BytesIO, IOBase
from mmap import mmap
from numbers import Number
from pathlib import Path
from struct import Struct
from typing import ByteString, List, Tuple, Union

from probables.exceptions import CuckooFilterFullError, InitializationError
from probables.hashes import KeyT, SimpleHashT, fnv_1a
from probables.utilities import MMap, get_x_bits, is_valid_file, resolve_path

[docs] class CuckooFilter: """Simple Cuckoo Filter implementation Args: capacity (int): The number of bins bucket_size (int): The number of buckets per bin max_swaps (int): The number of cuckoo swaps before stopping expansion_rate (int): The rate at which to expand auto_expand (bool): If the filter should automatically expand finger_size (int): The size of the fingerprint to use in bytes \ (between 1 and 4); exported as 4 bytes; up to the user to \ reset the size correctly on import filepath (str): The path to the file to load or None if no file hash_function (function): Hashing strategy function to use `hf(key)` Returns: CuckooFilter: A Cuckoo Filter object""" __slots__ = ( "_bucket_size", "_cuckoo_capacity", "__max_cuckoo_swaps", "__expansion_rate", "__auto_expand", "_fingerprint_size", "__hash_func", "_inserted_elements", "_buckets", "_error_rate", ) def __init__( self, capacity: int = 10000, bucket_size: int = 4, max_swaps: int = 500, expansion_rate: int = 2, auto_expand: bool = True, finger_size: int = 4, filepath: Union[str, Path, None] = None, hash_function: Union[SimpleHashT, None] = None, ): """setup the data structure""" valid_prms = ( isinstance(capacity, Number) and capacity >= 1 and isinstance(bucket_size, Number) and bucket_size >= 1 and isinstance(max_swaps, Number) and max_swaps >= 1 ) if not valid_prms: msg = "CuckooFilter: capacity, bucket_size, and max_swaps must be an integer greater than 0" raise InitializationError(msg) self._bucket_size = int(bucket_size) self._cuckoo_capacity = int(capacity) self.__max_cuckoo_swaps = int(max_swaps) self.__expansion_rate = 2 self.expansion_rate = expansion_rate self.__auto_expand = True self.auto_expand = auto_expand self._fingerprint_size = 32 self.fingerprint_size = finger_size if hash_function is None: self.__hash_func = fnv_1a else: self.__hash_func = hash_function # type: ignore self._inserted_elements = 0 if filepath is None: self._buckets = [] # type: ignore for _ in range(self.capacity): self.buckets.append([]) elif is_valid_file(filepath): filepath = resolve_path(filepath) self._load(filepath) else: msg = "CuckooFilter: failed to load provided file" raise InitializationError(msg) self._error_rate = float(self._calc_error_rate())
[docs] @classmethod def init_error_rate( cls, error_rate: float, capacity: int = 10000, bucket_size: int = 4, max_swaps: int = 500, expansion_rate: int = 2, auto_expand: bool = True, hash_function: Union[SimpleHashT, None] = None, ): """Initialize a simple Cuckoo Filter based on error rate Args: error_rate (float): capacity (int): The number of bins bucket_size (int): The number of buckets per bin max_swaps (int): The number of cuckoo swaps before stopping expansion_rate (int): The rate at which to expand auto_expand (bool): If the filter should automatically expand hash_function (function): Hashing strategy function to use \ `hf(key)` Returns: CuckooFilter: A Cuckoo Filter object""" cku = CuckooFilter( capacity=capacity, bucket_size=bucket_size, auto_expand=auto_expand, max_swaps=max_swaps, expansion_rate=expansion_rate, hash_function=hash_function, ) cku._set_error_rate(error_rate) return cku
[docs] @classmethod def load_error_rate( cls, error_rate: float, filepath: Union[str, Path], hash_function: Union[SimpleHashT, None] = None, ): """Initialize a previously exported Cuckoo Filter based on error rate Args: error_rate (float): filepath (str): The path to the file to load or None if no file hash_function (function): Hashing strategy function to use `hf(key)` Returns: CuckooFilter: A Cuckoo Filter object""" filepath = resolve_path(filepath) cku = CuckooFilter(filepath=filepath, hash_function=hash_function) cku._set_error_rate(error_rate) return cku
[docs] @classmethod def frombytes( cls, b: ByteString, error_rate: Union[float, None] = None, hash_function: Union[SimpleHashT, None] = None, ) -> "CuckooFilter": """ Args: b (ByteString): The bytes to load as a Expanding Bloom Filter error_rate (float): The error rate of the cuckoo filter, if used to generate the original filter hash_function (function): Hashing strategy function to use `hf(key, number)` Returns: CuckooFilter: A Bloom Filter object """ cku = CuckooFilter(hash_function=hash_function) cku._load(b) # type: ignore # if error rate is provided, use it cku._set_error_rate(error_rate) return cku
def __contains__(self, key: KeyT) -> bool: """setup the `in` keyword""" return self.check(key) def __str__(self): """setup what it will print""" return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}:\n" f"\tCapacity: {self.capacity}\n" f"\tTotal Bins: {self.capacity * self.bucket_size}\n" f"\tLoad Factor: {self.load_factor() * 100}%\n" f"\tInserted Elements: {self.elements_added}\n" f"\tMax Swaps: {self.max_swaps}\n" f"\tExpansion Rate: {self.expansion_rate}\n" f"\tAuto Expand: {self.auto_expand}" ) @property def elements_added(self) -> int: """int: The number of elements added Note: Not settable""" return self._inserted_elements @property def capacity(self) -> int: """int: The number of bins Note: Not settable""" return self._cuckoo_capacity @property def max_swaps(self) -> int: """int: The maximum number of swaps to perform Note: Not settable""" return self.__max_cuckoo_swaps @property def bucket_size(self) -> int: """int: The number of buckets per bin Note: Not settable""" return self._bucket_size @property def buckets(self) -> List[List[int]]: """list(list): The buckets holding the fingerprints Note: Not settable""" return self._buckets @property def expansion_rate(self) -> int: """int: The rate at expansion when the filter grows""" return self.__expansion_rate @expansion_rate.setter def expansion_rate(self, val: int): """set the self expand value""" self.__expansion_rate = val @property def error_rate(self) -> float: """float: The error rate of the cuckoo filter""" return self._error_rate @property def auto_expand(self) -> bool: """bool: True if the cuckoo filter will expand automatically""" return self.__auto_expand @auto_expand.setter def auto_expand(self, val: bool): """set the self expand value""" self.__auto_expand = bool(val) @property def fingerprint_size_bits(self) -> int: """int: The size in bits of the fingerprint""" return self._fingerprint_size @property def fingerprint_size(self) -> int: """int: The size in bytes of the fingerprint Raises: ValueError: If the size is not between 1 and 4 Note: The size of the fingerprint must be between 1 and 4""" return math.ceil(self.fingerprint_size_bits / 8) @fingerprint_size.setter def fingerprint_size(self, val: int): """set the fingerprint size""" tmp = val if not 1 <= tmp <= 4: msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__}: fingerprint size must be between 1 and 4" raise ValueError(msg) # bytes to bits self._fingerprint_size = tmp * 8 self._calc_error_rate() # if updating fingerprint size then error rate may change
[docs] def load_factor(self) -> float: """float: How full the Cuckoo Filter is currently""" return self.elements_added / (self.capacity * self.bucket_size)
[docs] def add(self, key: KeyT): """Add element key to the filter Args: key (str): The element to add Raises: CuckooFilterFullError: When element not inserted after maximum number of swaps or 'kicks'""" idx_1, idx_2, fingerprint = self._generate_fingerprint_info(key) is_present = self._check_if_present(idx_1, idx_2, fingerprint) if is_present is not None: # already there, nothing to do return finger = self._insert_fingerprint(fingerprint, idx_1, idx_2) self._deal_with_insertion(finger)
[docs] def check(self, key: KeyT) -> bool: """Check if an element is in the filter Args: key (str): Element to check Returns: bool: True if likely present, False if definately not""" idx_1, idx_2, fingerprint = self._generate_fingerprint_info(key) is_present = self._check_if_present(idx_1, idx_2, fingerprint) if is_present is not None: return True return False
[docs] def remove(self, key: KeyT) -> bool: """Remove an element from the filter Args: key (str): Element to remove Returns: bool: True if removed, False if not present""" idx_1, idx_2, fingerprint = self._generate_fingerprint_info(key) idx = self._check_if_present(idx_1, idx_2, fingerprint) if idx is None: return False self.buckets[idx].remove(fingerprint) self._inserted_elements -= 1 return True
[docs] def export(self, file: Union[Path, str, IOBase, mmap]) -> None: """Export cuckoo filter to file Args: file: Path to file to export""" if not isinstance(file, (IOBase, mmap)): file = resolve_path(file) with open(file, "wb") as filepointer: self.export(filepointer) # type:ignore else: filepointer = file # type:ignore for _, val in enumerate(self.buckets): bucket = array(self._CUCKOO_SINGLE_INT_C, val) bucket.extend([0] * (self.bucket_size - len(bucket))) bucket.tofile(filepointer) # now put out the required information at the end filepointer.write(self._CUCKOO_FOOTER_STRUCT.pack(self.bucket_size, self.max_swaps))
def __bytes__(self) -> bytes: """Export cuckoo filter to `bytes`""" with BytesIO() as f: self.export(f) return f.getvalue()
[docs] def expand(self): """Expand the cuckoo filter""" self._expand_logic(None)
def _insert_fingerprint(self, fingerprint, idx_1, idx_2): """insert a fingerprint""" if self.__insert_element(fingerprint, idx_1): self._inserted_elements += 1 return None if self.__insert_element(fingerprint, idx_2): self._inserted_elements += 1 return None # we didn't insert, so now we need to randomly select one index to use # and move things around to the other index, if possible, until we # either move everything around or hit the maximum number of swaps idx = random.choice([idx_1, idx_2]) for _ in range(self.max_swaps): # select one element to be swapped out... swap_elm = random.randint(0, self.bucket_size - 1) swb = self.buckets[idx][swap_elm] fingerprint, self.buckets[idx][swap_elm] = swb, fingerprint # now find another place to put this fingerprint index_1, index_2 = self._indicies_from_fingerprint(fingerprint) idx = index_2 if idx == index_1 else index_1 if self.__insert_element(fingerprint, idx): self._inserted_elements += 1 return None # if we got here we have an error... we might need to know what is left return fingerprint def _load(self, file: Union[Path, str, IOBase, mmap, bytes]) -> None: """load a cuckoo filter from file""" if not isinstance(file, (IOBase, mmap, bytes)): file = resolve_path(file) with MMap(file) as filepointer: self._load(filepointer) else: self._parse_footer(file, self._CUCKOO_FOOTER_STRUCT) # type: ignore self._inserted_elements = 0 # now pull everything in! self._parse_buckets(file) # type: ignore _CUCKOO_SINGLE_INT_C = "I" _CUCKOO_SINGLE_INT_SIZE = Struct(_CUCKOO_SINGLE_INT_C).size _CUCKOO_FOOTER_STRUCT = Struct("II") def _parse_footer(self, d: ByteString, stct: Struct) -> None: """parse bytes and set footer information""" list_size = len(d) - stct.size self._bucket_size, self.__max_cuckoo_swaps = stct.unpack(d[list_size:]) # type:ignore self._cuckoo_capacity = list_size // self._CUCKOO_SINGLE_INT_SIZE // self.bucket_size def _parse_buckets(self, d: ByteString) -> None: """parse bytes and set buckets""" self._buckets = [] bucket_byte_size = self.bucket_size * self._CUCKOO_SINGLE_INT_SIZE offs = 0 for _ in range(self.capacity): next_offs = offs + bucket_byte_size self.buckets.append(self._parse_bucket(d[offs:next_offs])) # type: ignore offs = next_offs def _parse_bucket(self, d: ByteString) -> array: """parse a single bucket""" bucket = array(self._CUCKOO_SINGLE_INT_C, bytes(d)) bucket = array(self._CUCKOO_SINGLE_INT_C, [el for el in bucket if el]) self._inserted_elements += len(bucket) return bucket def _set_error_rate(self, error_rate: Union[float, None]) -> None: """set error rate correctly""" # if error rate is provided, use it if error_rate is not None: self._error_rate = error_rate self._fingerprint_size = self._calc_fingerprint_size() def _check_if_present(self, idx_1, idx_2, fingerprint): """wrapper for checking if fingerprint is already inserted""" if fingerprint in self.buckets[idx_1]: return idx_1 if fingerprint in self.buckets[idx_2]: return idx_2 return None def __insert_element(self, fingerprint, idx) -> bool: """insert element wrapper""" if len(self.buckets[idx]) < self.bucket_size: self.buckets[idx].append(fingerprint) return True return False def _expand_logic(self, extra_fingerprint): """the logic to acutally expand the cuckoo filter""" # get all the fingerprints fingerprints = self._setup_expand(extra_fingerprint) for finger in fingerprints: idx_1, idx_2 = self._indicies_from_fingerprint(finger) res = self._insert_fingerprint(finger, idx_1, idx_2) if res is not None: # again, this *shouldn't* happen msg = "The CuckooFilter failed to expand" raise CuckooFilterFullError(msg) def _setup_expand(self, extra_fingerprint): """setup this thing""" fingerprints = [] if extra_fingerprint is not None: fingerprints.append(extra_fingerprint) for idx in range(self.capacity): fingerprints.extend(self.buckets[idx]) self._cuckoo_capacity = self.capacity * self.expansion_rate self._buckets = [] self._inserted_elements = 0 for _ in range(self.capacity): self.buckets.append([]) return fingerprints def _indicies_from_fingerprint(self, fingerprint): """Generate the possible insertion indicies from a fingerprint Args: fingerprint (int): The fingerprint to use for generating indicies""" idx_1 = fingerprint % self.capacity idx_2 = self.__hash_func(str(fingerprint)) % self.capacity return idx_1, idx_2 def _generate_fingerprint_info(self, key: KeyT) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: """Generate the fingerprint and indicies using the provided key Args: key (str): The element for which information is to be generated """ # generate the fingerprint along with the two possible indecies hash_val = self.__hash_func(key) fingerprint = get_x_bits(hash_val, 64, self.fingerprint_size_bits, True) idx_1, idx_2 = self._indicies_from_fingerprint(fingerprint) # NOTE: This should never happen... if idx_1 > self.capacity or idx_2 > self.capacity: raise ValueError(f"Either idx_1 {idx_1} or idx_2 {idx_2} is greater than {self.capacity}") return idx_1, idx_2, fingerprint def _deal_with_insertion(self, finger): """some code to handle the insertion the same""" if finger is None: return if self.auto_expand: self._expand_logic(finger) else: msg = f"The {self.__class__.__name__} is currently full" raise CuckooFilterFullError(msg) def _calc_error_rate(self): """calculate error rate based on fingerprint size (bits) and bucket size""" return float(1 / (2 ** (self.fingerprint_size_bits - (math.log2(self.bucket_size) + 1)))) def _calc_fingerprint_size(self) -> int: """calculate fingerprint size (bits) based on error rate and bucket size""" return int(math.ceil(math.log2(1.0 / self.error_rate) + math.log2(self.bucket_size) + 1))