Source code for probables.quotientfilter.quotientfilter

""" BloomFilter and BloomFiter on Disk, python implementation
    License: MIT
    Author: Tyler Barrus (

from array import array
from typing import Iterator, List, Optional

from probables.exceptions import QuotientFilterError
from probables.hashes import KeyT, SimpleHashT, fnv_1a_32
from probables.utilities import Bitarray

[docs] class QuotientFilter: """Simple Quotient Filter implementation Args: quotient (int): The size of the quotient to use auto_expand (bool): Automatically expand or not hash_function (function): Hashing strategy function to use `hf(key, number)` Returns: QuotientFilter: The initialized filter Raises: QuotientFilterError: Raised when unable to initialize Note: The size of the QuotientFilter will be 2**q""" __slots__ = ( "_q", "_r", "_size", "_elements_added", "_hash_func", "_int_type_code", "_bits_per_elm", "_is_occupied", "_is_continuation", "_is_shifted", "_filter", "_max_load_factor", "_auto_resize", ) def __init__( self, quotient: int = 20, auto_expand: bool = True, hash_function: Optional[SimpleHashT] = None ): # needs to be parameterized if quotient < 3 or quotient > 31: raise QuotientFilterError( f"Invalid quotient setting; quotient must be between 3 and 31; {quotient} was provided" ) self.__set_params(quotient, auto_expand, hash_function) def __set_params(self, quotient: int, auto_expand: bool, hash_function: Optional[SimpleHashT]): self._q: int = quotient self._r: int = 32 - quotient self._size: int = 1 << self._q # same as 2**q self._elements_added: int = 0 self._auto_resize: bool = auto_expand self._hash_func: SimpleHashT = fnv_1a_32 if hash_function is None else hash_function # type: ignore self._max_load_factor: float = 0.85 # ensure we use the smallest type possible to reduce memory wastage if self._r <= 8: self._int_type_code = "B" self._bits_per_elm = 8 elif self._r <= 16: self._int_type_code = "I" self._bits_per_elm = 16 else: self._int_type_code = "L" self._bits_per_elm = 32 self._is_occupied = Bitarray(self._size) self._is_continuation = Bitarray(self._size) self._is_shifted = Bitarray(self._size) self._filter = array(self._int_type_code, [0]) * self._size def __contains__(self, val: KeyT) -> bool: """setup the `in` keyword""" return self.check(val) @property def quotient(self) -> int: """int: The size of the quotient, in bits""" return self._q @property def remainder(self) -> int: """int: The size of the remainder, in bits""" return self._r @property def num_elements(self) -> int: """int: The total size of the filter""" return self._size @property def elements_added(self) -> int: """int: The number of elements added to the filter""" return self._elements_added @property def bits_per_elm(self) -> int: """int: The number of bits used per element""" return self._bits_per_elm @property def size(self) -> int: """int: The number of bins available in the filter Note: same as `num_elements`""" return self._size @property def load_factor(self) -> float: """float: The load factor of the filter""" return self._elements_added / self._size @property def auto_expand(self) -> bool: """bool: Will the quotient filter automatically expand""" return self._auto_resize @auto_expand.setter def auto_expand(self, val: bool): """change the auto expand property""" self._auto_resize = bool(val) @property def max_load_factor(self) -> float: """float: The maximum allowed load factor after which auto expanding should occur""" return self._max_load_factor @max_load_factor.setter def max_load_factor(self, val: float): """set the maximum load factor""" self._max_load_factor = float(val)
[docs] def add(self, key: KeyT) -> None: """Add key to the quotient filter Args: key (str|bytes): The element to add Raises: QuotientFilterError: Raised when no locations are available in which to insert""" _hash = self._hash_func(key, 0) self.add_alt(_hash)
[docs] def add_alt(self, _hash: int) -> None: """Add the pre-hashed value to the quotient filter Args: _hash (int): The element to add Raises: QuotientFilterError: Raised when no locations are available in which to insert""" if self._auto_resize and self.load_factor >= self._max_load_factor: self.resize() key_quotient = _hash >> self._r key_remainder = _hash & ((1 << self._r) - 1) if self._contained_at_loc(key_quotient, key_remainder) == -1: self._add(key_quotient, key_remainder)
[docs] def check(self, key: KeyT) -> bool: """Check to see if key is likely in the quotient filter Args: key (str|bytes): The element to add Return: bool: True if likely encountered, False if definately not""" _hash = self._hash_func(key, 0) return self.check_alt(_hash)
[docs] def check_alt(self, _hash: int) -> bool: """Check to see if the pre-calculated hash is likely in the quotient filter Args: _hash (int): The element to add Return: bool: True if likely encountered, False if definately not""" key_quotient = _hash >> self._r key_remainder = _hash & ((1 << self._r) - 1) return not self._contained_at_loc(key_quotient, key_remainder) == -1
[docs] def hashes(self) -> Iterator[int]: """A generator over the hashes in the quotient filter Yields: int: The next hash stored in the quotient filter""" queue: List[int] = [] # find first empty location start = 0 while not self._is_empty_element(start): start += 1 cur_quot = 0 for i in range(start, self._size + start): # this will allow for wrap-arounds idx = i % self._size is_occupied = self._is_occupied.check_bit(idx) is_continuation = self._is_continuation.check_bit(idx) is_shifted = self._is_shifted.check_bit(idx) # Nothing here, keep going if is_occupied + is_continuation + is_shifted == 0: assert len(queue) == 0 continue if is_occupied == 1: # keep track of the indicies that match a hashed quotient queue.append(idx) # run start if self._is_run_start(idx): cur_quot = queue.pop(0) yield (cur_quot << self._r) + self._filter[idx]
[docs] def get_hashes(self) -> List[int]: """Get the hashes from the quotient filter as a list Returns: list(int): The hash values stored in the quotient filter""" return list(self.hashes())
[docs] def resize(self, quotient: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """Resize the quotient filter to use the new quotient size Args: quotient (int): The new quotient to use Note: If `None` is provided, the quotient filter will double in size (quotient + 1) Raises: QuotientFilterError: When the new quotient will not accommodate the elements already added""" if quotient is None: quotient = self._q + 1 if self.elements_added >= (1 << quotient): raise QuotientFilterError("Unable to shrink since there will be too many elements in the quotient filter") if quotient < 3 or quotient > 31: raise QuotientFilterError( f"Invalid quotient setting; quotient must be between 3 and 31; {quotient} was provided" ) hashes = self.get_hashes() for i in range(self._size): self._filter[i] = 0 self.__set_params(quotient, self._auto_resize, self._hash_func) for _h in hashes: self.add_alt(_h)
[docs] def merge(self, second: "QuotientFilter") -> None: """Merge the `second` quotient filter into the first Args: second (QuotientFilter): The quotient filter to merge Note: The hashing function between the two filters should match Note: Errors can occur if the quotient filter being inserted into does not expand (i.e., auto_expand=False)""" if self._hash_func("test", 0) != second._hash_func("test", 0): raise QuotientFilterError("Hash functions do not match") for _h in second.hashes(): self.add_alt(_h)
def _shift_insert(self, q: int, r: int, orig_idx: int, insert_idx: int, flag: int): if self._is_empty_element(insert_idx): self._filter[insert_idx] = r self._is_occupied[q] = 1 self._is_continuation[insert_idx] = 1 if insert_idx != orig_idx else 0 self._is_shifted[insert_idx] = 1 if insert_idx != q else 0 else: next_idx = (insert_idx + 1) & (self._size - 1) while True: was_empty = self._is_empty_element(next_idx) temp = self._is_continuation[next_idx] self._is_continuation[next_idx] = self._is_continuation[insert_idx] self._is_continuation[insert_idx] = temp self._is_shifted[next_idx] = 1 temp = self._filter[next_idx] self._filter[next_idx] = self._filter[insert_idx] self._filter[insert_idx] = temp if was_empty: break next_idx = (next_idx + 1) & (self._size - 1) self._filter[insert_idx] = r self._is_occupied[q] = 1 self._is_continuation[insert_idx] = 1 if insert_idx != orig_idx else 0 self._is_shifted[insert_idx] = 1 if insert_idx != q else 0 if flag == 1: self._is_continuation[(insert_idx + 1) & (self._size - 1)] = 1 def _get_start_index(self, quotient: int) -> int: if self._is_empty_element(quotient): return quotient j = quotient cnts: int = 0 while True: if j == quotient or self._is_occupied[j] == 1: cnts += 1 if self._is_shifted[j] == 1: j = (j - 1) & (self._size - 1) else: break while True: if self._is_continuation[j] == 0: if cnts == 1: break cnts -= 1 j = (j + 1) & (self._size - 1) return j def _add(self, q: int, r: int): if self._size == self._elements_added: raise QuotientFilterError("Unable to insert the element due to insufficient space") if self._is_empty_element(q): self._filter[q] = r self._is_occupied[q] = 1 else: start_idx = self._get_start_index(q) if self._is_occupied[q] == 0: self._shift_insert(q, r, start_idx, start_idx, 0) else: orig_start_idx = start_idx starts = 0 f = ( self._is_occupied.check_bit(start_idx) + self._is_continuation.check_bit(start_idx) + self._is_shifted.check_bit(start_idx) ) while starts == 0 and f != 0 and r > self._filter[start_idx]: start_idx = (start_idx + 1) & (self._size - 1) if self._is_continuation[start_idx] == 0: starts += 1 f = ( self._is_occupied.check_bit(start_idx) + self._is_continuation.check_bit(start_idx) + self._is_shifted.check_bit(start_idx) ) if starts == 1: self._shift_insert(q, r, orig_start_idx, start_idx, 0) else: self._shift_insert(q, r, orig_start_idx, start_idx, 1) self._elements_added += 1 def _contained_at_loc(self, q: int, r: int) -> int: """returns the index location of the element, or -1 if not present""" if self._is_occupied[q] == 0: return -1 start_idx = self._get_start_index(q) starts = 0 while self._is_empty_element(start_idx) is False: if self._is_continuation[start_idx] == 0: starts += 1 if starts == 2 or self._filter[start_idx] > r: break if self._filter[start_idx] == r: return start_idx start_idx = (start_idx + 1) & (self._size - 1) return -1 def _is_cluster_start(self, elt: int) -> bool: return self._is_occupied[elt] == 1 and self._is_continuation[elt] == 0 and self._is_shifted[elt] == 0 def _is_run_start(self, elt: int) -> bool: return not self._is_continuation[elt] == 1 and (self._is_occupied[elt] == 1 or self._is_shifted[elt] == 1) def _is_empty_element(self, elt: int) -> bool: return ( self._is_occupied.check_bit(elt) + self._is_continuation.check_bit(elt) + self._is_shifted.check_bit(elt) ) == 0
[docs] def print(self): """show the bits and the run/cluster/continuation/empty status""" for i in range(self._size): # is_a = "" if self._is_empty_element(i): is_a = "Empty" elif self._is_cluster_start(i): is_a = "Cluster Start" elif self._is_run_start(i): is_a = "Run Start" else: is_a = "Continuation" print(f"{i}\t--\t{self._is_occupied[i]}-{self._is_continuation[i]}-{self._is_shifted[i]}\t{is_a}")
[docs] def validate_metadata(self): """check for invalid bit settings""" for i in range(self._size): if self._is_occupied[i] == 0 and self._is_continuation == 1 and self._is_shifted == 0: print(f"Row failed: {i}") if self._is_occupied[i] == 1 and self._is_continuation == 1 and self._is_shifted == 0: print(f"Row failed: {i}")